태성호(Sungho Tae, Professor, Ph.D)한양대학교 ERICA캠퍼스 공학대학 건축학부 교수School of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University ERICA Campus, Professor
주요학력 (Educational background)
공학사 한양대학교 공학대학 건축공학과
공학석사 일본 도쿄대학교 대학원 공학대학 건축공학
공학박사 일본 도쿄대학교 대학원 공학대학 건축공학
Bachelor, Department of Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University
M.S,, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University
Ph.D,, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University
연구분야 (Research Field)
건축물 LCA 프로그램 개발
건축재료 LCA 프로그램 개발 및 LCI DB 구축
BIM 기반 친환경 건축물 최적설계 시스템 개발
친환경 첨단 건축재료 개발
건축물 내구성 향상 및 내구설계 시스템 개발
Development of LCA program for buildings
Construction material LCA program development and LCI DB construction
Development of BIM-based sustainable building design system
Development of sustainable high-tech building materials
Development of durability improvement and durability design system
Korea Institute of Construction Technology Education, Sustainable Low Energy Building Human Resources Education Steering Committee
[Education Steering Committee] (2009.05 ~ Present)
Korea Industry Standards Council(ISO TC 184/SC 5) [Expert Committee] (2009.03 ~ Present)
SUStainable Building Research Center (ERC) [Research Associate Professor] (2005.08 ~ 2008.03)
수상경력 (Awards)
국토교통부장관상 표창장 (국토교통부, 2014.12)
강의 우수 교수상 (한양대학교, 2014.11)
대한건축학회 우수 논문상 (대한건축학회, 2013.04)
Excellent research and presentation (SB07 SEOUL-the international Conference on Sustainable Building Asia, 2007.06)
논문발표대회 우수 강연상 (일본 콘크리트 학회, 2002.06)
Certificate Award of Korea Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (Korea Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, 2014.12)
Excellent Lecture professor award (Hanyang University, 2014.11)
Excellent thesis award (Architectural Institute of Korea , 2013.04)
Excellent research and presentation (SB07 SEOUL-the international Conference on Sustainable Building Asia, 2007.06)
Award for Best Lecture at the Annual Conference (Japan Concrete Institute, 2002.06)
저술 (Book)
Handbook of Low Carbon Concrete, 1st Edition [공동저자] (2016,Butterworth-Heinemann)
Sustainable Building Technology [co-author] (2007,Kimoondang)
Sustainable Bulding Efficiency Assessment and Design Technology [co-author] (2007,Kimoondang)
신성우(Sungwoo Sin, Honorary Professor, Ph.D)한양대학교 ERICA캠퍼스 공학대학 건축학부 명예교수School of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University ERICA Campus, Honorary professor
주요학력 (Educational background)
공학사 한양대학교 공학대학 건축공학과
공학석사 Washington University, St. Louis 건축공학
공학석사 Washington University, St. Louis 건설관리학
공학박사 University of Illinois at Chicago 구조공학
Bachelor, Department of Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University
M.S., Graduate School of Engineering, Washington University, St. Louis
M.C.M., Graduate School of Engineering & Applied Science, Washington University, St. Louis
Ph.D., Graduate School of Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago
경력사항 (Career/Work Experience)
한양대학교 친환경건축연구센터(ERC) [센터장] (2005.08 ~ 2017.02)
한양대학교 공학대학 [학장] (2008.08 ~ 2010.07)
국토교통부장관 자문위원회 [중앙건축위원] (2008.03 ~ 현재)
한국건축공학교육협의회 [회장] (2006.10 ~ 현재)
대한건축학회 [부회장] (2006.10 ~ 2009.04)
대통령자문 건설기술 건축문화선진화위원회 [R&D위원] (2006.01 ~ 2008.06)
한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 [회장] (2005.01 ~ 2006.12)
한양대학교 총무관리처 [처장] (2004.09 ~ 2005.08)
한국공학한림원 [정회원] (2003.01 ~ 현재)
한국초고층건축포럼 [의장] (2001.01 ~ 현재)
SUStainable Building Research Center (ERC) [Director] (2005.08 ~ 2017.02)
College of Engineering, Hanyang University [Dean] (2008.08 ~ 2010.07)
Advisory Committee of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport[Member] (2008.03 ~ Present)
Korean Association of Collegiate Schools of Architectural Engineering [Chairman] (2006.10 ~ Present)
Architectural Institute of Korea [Vice Chairman] (2006.10 ~ 2009.04)
Presidential Advisory for Construction Technology and Architectural Culture Advanced Committee [R&D Committee] (2006.01 ~ 2008.06)
Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection [Chairman] (2005.01 ~ 2006.12)
Office of General Affairs, Hanyang University [Dean] (2004.09 ~ 2005.08)
The National academy of Engineering of Korea [Member] (2003.01 ~ Present)
Korea Super Tall Building Forum [Chairman] (2001.01 ~ Present)
수상경력 (Awards)
공로패 수상 (미래창조과학부, 2014)
산학협력 기술이전 분야 우수 교수상 (한양대학교, 2011)
건축토목분야 한국공학상 (미래창조과학부, 2010)
기초연구성과 우수상 (미래창조과학부/한국연구재단, 2010)
최우수교수상 (한양대학교 연구분야, 2010)
산학협력 기술이전분야 우수교수상 (한양대학교, 2007)
과학기술대상 올해의 과학기술인 (대한민국 국회, 2007)
Winner of the Achievement Award (Ministry of Science and ICT of Korea, 2014)
Award for Best Professor in Industry-Academia Collaborative Technology (Hanyang University, 2011)
Korea Engineering Award in Architecture and Civil Engineering (Ministry of Science and ICT of Korea, 2010)
Excellence Award in Basic Research Performance (Ministry of Science and ICT of Korea / National Research Foundation of Korea, 2010)
Best Professor Award (Hanyang University, 2010)
Award for Best Professor in Industry-Academia Collaborative Technology (Hanyang University, 2007)
Science and Technology Award of the Year (The National Assembly of the Republic of Korea, 2007)